CRank: 4Score: 28560

heck every system has the best games. no other system has the best platformer then the wii. the 360 has some of the best shooters, and the ps3 has the best variety.
so there is no system with the best games you gotta own them all. o and lets hope activision burns down, and ea gets kicked in the balls for their dlc shinanigans

5070d ago 10 agree7 disagreeView comment

you could break up the whole sale individually and it will equal the price. the game is 60. the statue 25 - 35 the case 30 - 35 as well. the dlc ten bucks and the mini bags of goodies about fifteen bucks. same with all collectors editions. if you want it buy it. if not find something else

5076d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

same here i havent found anything other then those two games that have really sucked me in as of now.there is something missing in the games as of late. ithink we need a new genre of games - the motion tech

5079d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

that its a nice fat expansion pack i mean a whole group of missions guest appearances from old characters, and a new character or even two new ones. for mass effect 2 of course.

5082d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i believe the slim comes with a rechargeable battery pack and cord. also most 360 bundles except the arcade come with it, and at least you can easily change the battery for the controller with out opening it. so using the battery as a minus for the 360 is pointless, and as for the disc scratching who moves their system while the disc is spinning? everything else is more or less agreeable.

5086d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

well you dont need gold to pay for 11 and i think microsoft sai you dont need gold for subscription based games at some point

5099d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

yea I'd say sony won, but i didnt see nintendo's cause i dont have a wii yet i plan on it, but not right now. i'd say microsoft helped sony by kicking the ball of instant win into sony's hands with that presentation of theirs. dont get me wrong i like the idea of kinect but nothing was shown that made me go wow. however dont get me wrong sony's conference wasnt the end all conference to me it was lacking in the wow factor as well but they had more strength and more traile...

5101d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

to me microsoft droped the ball and accidentally kicked it into the other was pathetic. yet there is potential in kinect i just hope they find it before it's to late. like with the animal game they could have made it more of a pokemonesqe game with lil fights and you use voice commands on it or something just an idea from a betrayed amer. sony did good, but psn+ will need to do more to make me pay for it as of right now i need to know more about it like can you play the games you...

5102d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

they droped it because it was draining money. sony had a huge library of games that the original xbox did not have and microsoft felt the xbox was not goin to go ne further so they dropped it. i can understand that even though it was a dick move. also i think the main reason the kept the ps2 alive was because of the fact it was bringing in a lot of money compared to the ps3. why kill it off when you are not making any money off the new product. its all business. thats what the game industry i...

5114d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

good point i was only thinking of my circumstances i said though i dont use my cards on my system. i just walk to either walgreens, hell"gamestop" or 7th lvl of hell"walmart" to get my points or psn card.
but since i live in ny i when i buy stuff from the psn i pay taxes. and have change left over so no matter wat either system i have anywhere from a nickel to a quarter left over.

also look at my disagrees in my first post yet i have on...

5115d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so there are no taxes on xbox live.
edit since you use real money on psn in some states you get charged taxe on everything you buy on the store. kinda annoys you when u dont want to use your card and have to buy 2 20 dollar cards or 1 50 dollar card to get 1 thing priced a 19.99 cause it comes out to 21.68 or something in that area.

5115d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

kinda like with xbl where u hit a button right?

5116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i would like more updates on the psn like how it is on xbl. i mean of course weds is the arcade release but they get other dls and videos every day. also a more flashy setup as well. its nice but id like something more. home integration would be good, but it could make it bad.

5116d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

or mass effect 2. you can still play that along with their more reasonable priced dlc.or pick up dead rising if you havent cause the new ones out in a month or two

5116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

welli predict the usual wtf moments. i dont think ne mass effect game will go to the ps3 till the 3rd is done just to appease the agreement between bioware and msft. every thing else eehh we will find out

5119d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

best rpg game combo for me would be lionhead bioware and bethseda software for shooters it would be bungie and guerilla games

5119d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

because they want to relive the glory of the past games and get that money

5119d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

is for them to finish the series first then do a multiplayer game like how they did with fable 2 drop in drop out with your character in anybodies universe. have your own ship your own crew, you own armor etc.

5121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

want to get this game but cant. need to get my car on the road.

5122d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ok i dont see natal in the main core play of hardcore gaming but i see it implemented in side parts in games. like hacking in mass effect 3 or squad command in ghost recon or in a rts game who knows. we need to wait and see what happens

5123d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment